Author: admin
Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]
10 Daily Habits For Happiness And Mental Wellness
“There’s no path to happiness; happiness is the path,” said the Buddha. Yet, modern society has conditioned us to believe the opposite. How many times have you fantasized about getting the perfect house, the perfect body, and the perfect job? You may have even dreamed of winning the lottery — who hasn’t, right? We equate […]
How to Let Go of Unhealthy Attachments and Embrace Growth
Attachments are like invisible threads that connect us to people, things, or ideas. While some attachments are healthy and nurturing, others can be harmful, holding us back from living our best lives. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of attachments, the different types that exist, and most importantly, how to release unhealthy attachments to […]
Postnatal Insomnia: What Is It And How Can You Relieve It
Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder that affects between 10% and 30% of adults. It causes difficulty to fall asleep or stay asleep. It can also make you wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. As a result, you wake up feeling exhausted, moody, and unfocused. If these […]
Exercise During Pregnancy: All The Do’s And Don’ts
Do you love to exercise? Or do you avoid it like the plague? Well, we have news for you! Exercising during pregnancy does wonders for you and your little one. It minimizes the common symptoms of pregnancy and gives you extra strength to adapt to your weight gain and changing shape. Discover the best exercises […]
The Best And Worst Menopause Foods And Beverages
What we eat is important at all stages of our lives, but people going through menopause should take even greater care. Certain foods and drinks can trigger challenging menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes. Likewise, some foods can create further discomfort, including bloating and cramping, which is the last thing you need. Luckily, there are […]
How to Heal After A Toxic Relationship And Learn To Love Yourself Again
One in three women will be in an abusive relationship at some point in their life. If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship, you’ll know they can shake you down to the core. You come out feeling worn-down, broken, and full of self-doubt. Going through a breakup will always be difficult. But going through […]
Choosing the Best Sanitary Protection for You
Deciding what sanitary product to use is a personal but sometimes confusing decision to make. There are so many options out there! We have come a very long way from using an old piece of cloth or sheep’s wool (thankfully). You may consider factors such as comfort, cost, and environmental impact. There isn’t a ‘one shoe fits […]
How To Turn Your Bedroom Into A Sanctuary
Your bedroom is a sacred place. It sees you at your best, your worst, and every other mood in between. Some of your most intimate moments happen in your bedroom. It’s also a place to relax, recharge, get ready, and be yourself, free from any judgment. According to research, the average American will spend around […]
Ideas for Celebrating Baby Showers In Times of Covid-19
The health crisis has changed our lives on so many levels. Not only are we more aware of how precious our health is, but we also celebrate special occasions differently. Although there is a health crisis out there and you need to be extra cautious, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to celebrate your […]