
5 Surprising Erogenous Zones


Erogenous zones are parts of the body that when touched or stimulated can make you feel aroused. These can be different for everyone. For instance, you may have soft spots that don’t do it for someone else and vice versa. You may be familiar with the most common ones, such as genitals, nipples, neck, and inner thighs. Yet, there are a few that may come as a surprise. But hey, you never know, you could be about to discover something magical.

1. Armpits

Armpits don’t exactly scream sexy, but for some people, having their armpit stroked can be a huge turn-on. There is even some debate on whether the pheromones (chemical messengers that make you feel aroused) released from a person’s armpit can turn you on. However, there is not enough research on this topic to give a solid conclusion. But either way, some people definitely find armpit stimulation to be a huge success.

You can try:

Gently stroke your partner’s armpit or have them stroke yours and see if you feel anything. Be sure not to end up tickling each other, which can be semi-painful. Remember, the skin on your armpits is very sensitive, so be sure to be gentle.

2. Ears

Who would have thought those two weird-looking things on either side of your head could be so hot? Ears are made up of sensitive skin and hundreds of receptors inside, making them the perfect erogenous zone.

You can try:

Gently kissing or nibbling on your partner’s ear lobe. For even more heat, you could whisper or breathe deeply into their ear.

3. Feet and toes

Feet and toes may seem odd, but they are actually erogenous zones. And, there is a logical explanation for this. According to research, the part of the brain responsible for foot and toe sensations overlaps with the genital sensations section. Who would have thought?

You can try:

Gently massaging each other’s feet and toes. If you really want to get into it, try sucking your partner’s toes. Make sure they have had a thorough scrub down, of course.

4. Inner wrist

Your inner wrist is the home to loads of nerve endings. Not to mention it is where you will find your pulse point. This makes it an easily accessible erogenous zone for when you and your partner are just getting started.

You can try:

Gently stroking your partner’s wrist before eventually kissing or licking it. You could even rub your wrists together.

5. Scalp

Your scalp is also full of nerve endings, which when stimulated can send tingles down your body. Not only can this arouse you but it is also highly relaxing.

You can try:

Giving your partner or having them give you a scalp massage. Use your fingertips slowly and gently to give a sensual head massage. You can also gently play with your partner’s hair to stimulate those scalp nerve endings.

Before you go…

Experiment by stimulating these erogenous zones either with your partner or on your own and see if any of them make you tingle. And, if you want to give your mind some stimulation, listen to Passion’s sound journeys to mentally get in the mood as well as physically. Immerse yourself in the most calming and restorative sounds to fuel the fire of your passion. Experience:

● Less stress and anxiety

● A greater understanding of your body

● Enhanced confidence

And, most importantly, greater passion.