7 Good Things About Introverts: Why You Don’t Need to Change
You’ll find millions of articles online advising introverts on how to become more extroverted. But guess what? There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being introverted! Asking an introvert to become extroverted is unfair because neither one is better than the other. They are just different, and there’s nothing wrong with a bit of difference! So, if you’re an introvert and want to accept, rather than change yourself, keep reading. In this article, we’ll discuss the meaning of being introverted and extroverted, plus all the good things about being an introvert!
What’s the difference between introverts and extroverts?
People often consider introverts as shy, while extroverts are loud and outgoing. However, this isn’t 100% true. Instead, these two personality traits represent how you gain your energy. What do we mean by this? Well, these ideas were popularized by Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung in 1921. He believed that extroverts direct their energy outwards to other people and, in return, gain energy. In contrast, introverts gain energy from themselves by being reflective and thoughtful. Remember, this is a spectrum, so some people can be more introverted or extroverted than others.
What are the main characteristics of an introvert?
Introverts make up around 25 to 40% of the population. If you’re an introvert, you most likely:
● feel more comfortable focusing on your inner thoughts than what’s happening around you;
● are reflective;
● are self-aware;
● enjoy alone time;
● take your time making decisions;
● prefer to make plans in advance than being spontaneous;
● don’t thrive in a group work environment;
● feel drained after being in a crowd or with lots of people;
● need to recharge after spending time with others;
● prefer to write than talk;
● have few friendships, but they are very deep connections;
● daydream often;
● and feel at ease with your thoughts.
There are many misconceptions about introverts. Shyness or social anxiety has nothing to do with being introverted. While you may be an introvert and shy, they aren’t related. Remember, your introverted personality is more about how you gain and spend energy.
And how about extroverts?
Extroverts are often described as “social butterflies” and make up around 50-70% of the population. Extroverts most likely:
● enjoy being the center of attention;
● have a large circle of friends, but aren’t that close to all of them;
● enjoy talking to strangers;
● thrive in group work settings;
● communicate by talking;
● struggle to spend too much alone time;
● enjoy talking about feelings;
● look to external sources for inspiration;
● feel energized after spending time in large groups;
● and speak before they think.
Like introverts, there are many misconceptions about extroverts. For example, extroverts can indeed be shy and aren’t always happy.
Can you be both?
Yes, and this has a name, ambiversion. Ambiverts move up and down the spectrum depending on the situation. For example, an ambivert may enjoy spending hours talking to strangers at a party but afterward, need to recharge.
Accepting that you’re an introvert
There’s a lot out there encouraging introverts to become more extroverted. But being an introvert isn’t something bad! It’s who you are, and you should accept yourself this way. You don’t need to change. In fact, most introverts don’t actually have a problem being introverted until someone pressures them to be more “outgoing”. This can cause feelings of guilt and shame. However, as said before, there’s nothing wrong with you! Maybe you aren’t the life and soul of the party, but hey, you don’t need to be. We need a balance of introverts and extroverts in the world. So, just keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!
7 good things about being an introvert
1. Your happy place is yourself
Do you know how amazing that is? No matter where you are in the world, you only need yourself to feel happy or at home. Many people struggle to be alone with their thoughts. Not you, you thrive when left to your thoughts!
2. You understand yourself
As an introvert, you probably spend a lot of time reflecting, which means you have great self-awareness. You understand your mind and your reactions, which can help you make good decisions in all areas of life.
3. You’re an amazing friend
When there’s a genuine connection, those walls come down, and you cultivate deep and meaningful relationships. You value your friendships deeply and enjoy sharing your life with a select few. Understanding the importance of quality over quantity, introverts choose friends wisely. Plus, your top-notch listening skills make you an amazing friend.
4. You’re very empathetic
Are you very attuned to other people’s feelings? Introverts are very empathetic and understanding of the mind due to their own sensitivity and self-reflection. This is why you might struggle in large groups because you’re so aware of every individual’s feelings. However, empathy becomes a superpower when you know how to use it correctly.
5. You’re creative
You gain energy from your inner world of fantasy and imagination. This is also where creativity comes from. You can use these skills to create art or come up with creative solutions to problems. Albert Einstein, Elena Roosevelt, Bill Gates, Oprah, Elon Musk, and Meryl Streep are all introverts, and it didn’t stop them! We need introverts in the world.
6. You’re a good observer
Observation is a fantastic skill and one you can use to propel your professional and interpersonal relationships. Learning to read cues and in between the lines will also aid you in making more informed decisions.
7. You care less about external validation
You’re much more likely to validate yourself from your internal mental state. There are also some debates that introverts are less likely to be affected by peer pressure. However, as of yet, no studies have given a solid answer.
Embrace the introversion
Introverts and extroverts are two different personality types. In the same way, red and blue are two different colors. Neither one is better than the other. So, the next time you catch yourself vowing to become more extroverted, pause and think. Because being an introvert is pretty cool and comes with plenty of advantages.
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