Why Women Experience Low Libido and How to Reignite Desire
During your life, your sexual desire will fluctuate. Age, hormones, and stress can all affect how little or much you crave sex. While some naturally have a low libido, a lack of desire can be caused by a range of factors, especially if it’s a sudden occurrence. Finding the cause of your low libido is the first step to increasing it and getting your sex life back on track. We offer you possible causes for your low libido and also several solutions.
Sexual desire varies from woman to woman. What you might consider low could be different for another woman. However, if you notice a sudden drop in your libido, there could be an underlying cause. Symptoms of decreased sexual desire include:
● Having little to no interest in sex or masturbation.
● Having little to no sexual thoughts.
● Struggling to get wet during sexual activities.
● Being concerned about your lack of sexual desire.
If you’re concerned about your lack of sexual desire, please don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.
Physical causes
● Medications: certain prescription medications can lower your libido, such as antidepressants.
● Sexual problems: experiencing pain during sex or not enjoying sex can have a knock-on effect on your libido.
● Lifestyle choices: alcohol and tobacco can lead to temporarily lowered libido.
● Diseases: certain diseases such as cancer and diabetes can cause decreased desire.
● Fatigue: busy work schedules and lots of responsibilities can leave less time to think about sex, let alone have it.
Hormonal causes:
● Cycle: in the second part of your cycle your libido tends to be lower as more progesterone is produced.
● Menopause: estrogen levels drop in your body as you enter menopause. This can lead to decreased sexual desire as well as vaginal dryness.
● Pregnancy and breastfeeding: hormone changes that occur throughout pregnancy and after can lower your libido. Likewise, caring for a new baby uses most of your energy, leaving little desire for sex.
Psychological issues
● Body confidence issues: feeling self-conscious about how your body looks can impact your sexual desire.
● Mental health problems: stress, anxiety, and depression can all severely impact your libido.
● History: sexual abuse or negative sexual experiences can cause trauma and result in sex being unappealing or perhaps even threatening.
Relationship issues
● Connection issues: a lack of connection with your partner can reduce your desire to have sex.
● Unsatisfactory sex: a lack of communication surrounding sexual needs can make you lose interest in sex.
● Infidelity or trust issues: any type of problem in your relationship can cause your sex life to suffer.
6 tips to boost your libido
Find the cause
The first step in getting your libido back is to find the root cause of your lack of desire. If it’s to do with a medication you’re taking, you can work with your doctor at reducing doses or switching to another and see if that helps. If it’s a hormonal problem, you can start hormone therapy. If your low sex drive is due to physical, hormonal, and even psychological issues, there are many things you can do with the help of your doctor, so don’t feel ashamed to ask for a bit of help from your healthcare provider.
Talk with your partner
Having an open and honest conversation with your partner about what’s happening will not only do wonders for your libido but will also strengthen the connection between the two of you. This can be a sensitive issue for many but don’t be afraid of hurting your partner’s feelings, lack of desire can happen to anyone at any time, and opening up the dialogue is the first step to get your sex life back on track. Discuss what you want or what you need them to do to make you feel more comfortable (and horny).
Get to know yourself
Sometimes, a low libido can stem from having unsatisfying sex. Whether you’re in a relationship or single, bump up your solo action to get to know your body and see what you like. Once you have a better understanding of what your body responds to, it will be easier to have satisfying sex.
Spice it up in the bedroom
If you’ve been in a relationship for some time, it’s natural if your sex life has become a bit repetitive or boring. So, add something new to your routine. If you’re with a partner you love and trust now is the perfect opportunity to experiment with your sex life and try new things together.
Exercise is amazing for everything from your physical health to your mental health. When you exercise, your body releases endorphins, the happy hormone, which leave you radiating with positivity. The happier you feel in yourself, the healthier your libido will be. Likewise, exercise makes you feel more confident which is vital to having a satisfying and fun sex life.
Talk with a counselor
If you’re struggling with your libido due to past sexual experiences or maybe even self-esteem issues, talking with a trained professional can help. You may feel embarrassed to talk with someone else about these kinds of topics, but you needn’t be. Sex is a part of life and an important one at that! Plus, they are professionals and are here to help you. Having negative sexual experiences in your past can not only affect your libido but also your relationships. Asking for help is a big step in regaining control of your sexuality and improving your overall well-being.