Author: admin


What Is The Intuitive Mind And How Can You Tap Into Yours?

Albert Einstein once said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” But what exactly is the intuitive mind, and why is it so beneficial to us? Keep reading to discover all the answers to your questions. In this article, we’ll discuss what the intuitive mind is, and […]


How to Let Go of Unhealthy Attachments and Embrace Growth

Attachments are like invisible threads that connect us to people, things, or ideas. While some attachments are healthy and nurturing, others can be harmful, holding us back from living our best lives. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of attachments, the different types that exist, and most importantly, how to release unhealthy attachments to […]


How To Turn Mindless Activities Into Mindful Moments

There are plenty of activities we do in our daily lives completely mindlessly. What do we mean by this? Well, have you ever pulled up outside your house and had no idea how you got there? You were so zoned out that you didn’t even realize you were driving? Both terrifying and impressive, this is […]

Mental Health

Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]

Motivation & Inspiration

How To Unleash Your Leadership Skills

In today’s professional landscape, women are increasingly stepping into managerial roles and positions that require strong leadership skills. While progress has been made, and women have more access to equal opportunities in the workplace, we still face unique challenges on our leadership journey. In what follows, we aim to empower you to enhance your leadership […]

Better Sleep

Sleep Like a Baby During your Period with These Handy Tips

The menstrual cycle is the period in which the body prepares for the event of pregnancy. It begins on the first day of your period (when estrogen and progesterone levels are low) and ends on the first day of your next period. In most cases, the menstrual cycle lasts 28 days. This phenomenon can repeat […]

Sport & Fitness

4 Effective Exercises for Menopause

Exercising regularly is always a good idea, but during menopause, it is even more important. Many of us gain weight around this time, particularly in the midriff area. Due to our changing hormones, it becomes easier to gain weight, and even harder to lose it. But thankfully there are many exercises you can do to […]


Healthy Eating While Pregnant: What To Eat And What To Avoid

A balanced and nutritious diet does wonders for our health. During pregnancy, being mindful of what you eat is crucial to support your and your baby’s development. Eating a healthy diet is associated with healthy birth weight, good brain development, and a lesser risk of anemia among others. We’ve compiled the best foods to give […]

Health & Wellness

Postpartum Recovery: The Importance Of Prioritizing Your Healing Process

Confinement. Lying-in. La cuarentena. Zuò yuè zi. Many countries around the world treat the postpartum period as a special time of transition. Family members surround the new mother and take care of household chores. They give her time and space to focus on her baby and self-care. For example, in China, zuò yuè zi (sitting the […]

Newborn Shopping List: Everything You Need Before The Big Day
Post Pregnancy

Newborn Shopping List: Everything You Need Before The Big Day

Now that your baby is on the way, it’s time to start preparing. Start gathering all of the essential things early on to make your job much easier and stress-free when they come. In this list, you will find everything you need to welcome your newborn baby into your home; from clothing to safety gear, […]