How To Learn To Love Your Body, Starting From Today
Learning to love your body is tricky stuff. How many times have you vowed to start that diet tomorrow? Or convinced yourself that losing weight is the key to happiness? Well, you aren’t alone. According to research, 91% of women report feeling unhappy with their bodies. In a society that links self-esteem and worth to physical appearance, it’s no surprise.
From a young age, we’re told by the media what a woman’s body should look like. To make matters worse, beauty standards and trends are always changing. Twenty years ago, being skinny was the ideal. However, nowadays, it’s all about curves — only in the ‘right’ places mind you. And, even some experts believe that the “slim-thick” body is nearing its expiry date.
The truth is, losing weight or changing your body type to meet beauty standards won’t make you happy. Nor does looking a certain way mean you’re more worthy of love. If you’re tired of battling with your body, you’ve come to the right place. Keep reading to learn how to love your body, starting today!
15 small ways to learn how to love your body
Learning to love your body won’t happen overnight. It’s a process of unlearning what you’ve previously been taught and coming to accept yourself exactly as you are. This will take time and a conscious effort daily. However, don’t let this put you off because the end results will be worth it. So, if you’re tired of the negative self-talk, check out the following ways to vamp up self-love and love the skin you’re in!
1. Understand that changing your body won’t solve your problems
A negative body image often stems from deep insecurities rather than our actual appearances. Maybe you believe that losing weight will make you happier or more worthy of love? This isn’t true. You are worthy of love exactly as you are! Unfortunately, we live in a society that discourages this narrative. After all, our insecurities make a lot of money for businesses across the globe.
However, even if you woke up tomorrow with your ideal body, you’d probably still be unhappy. Many of us are unhappy with our inner selves, but our bodies take the full hit. Losing weight, therefore, isn’t the answer to your problems. Explore the root cause of your negative body image to help you understand how to solve it.
2. Cleanse your social media
Instagram is full of Photoshop, filters, cosmetic procedures, and deceiving angles. While we all know this, that won’t stop said images from making you feel bad about yourself. Delete, unfollow, and remove anything that makes you feel insecure or unworthy. Instead, follow people who have a similar body type to you. Fill your feed with images that you can relate to and discover the beauty in yourself.
Bonus: watch out for fitness influencers. You might be killing yourself at the gym for something that can’t be achieved naturally. Unfollow influencers that promote products like weight loss supplements or waist trainers. Instead, follow those who discuss self-love, science, and nutrition.
3. Accept genetics
Genetics plays a huge role in how our bodies look. Everything from our bone structures to where our bodies store fat comes down to genetics. It might be difficult to accept, but there’s nothing you can do to change your genes. No amount of exercise or dieting can change your body’s shape or structure. But guess what? You don’t need to! No body shape is better than another. You should accept and love what your mamma gave you! Your body is beautiful, unique, and all yours.
4. Throw away your scales
Have you ever ruined your entire day by weighing yourself? It’s crazy how much power we give to a number. Remember, your self-worth is not the number on your scales. Plus, weight is extremely deceiving — muscle weighs more than fat for example. You could be getting fitter by the day, and the number on your scales would still increase. So, do yourself a huge favor and throw away your scales. Weighing yourself is usually more destructive than productive.
5. Stop comparing yourself to others
What’s that old saying? Comparison is the thief of joy. Well, this couldn’t be any truer when it comes to body image. Avoid looking at others online or in real life and feeling jealous. Everyone has body-related insecurities, and the people you idealize probably feel equally insecure about something that you never think twice about. Focus on yourself and accept that your body looks the way it does.
Bonus: stop judging others for their body. By judging others, you validate the idea that our worth is based on how we look. Next time you catch yourself judging someone’s body, replace the negative thought with a positive one.
6. Focus on what your body does for you
Rather than focusing on how your body looks, pay more attention to what it does for you. After all, your body is your home and your mode of transport. Your body is strong, and each day works to keep you alive. Instead of getting bogged down with how you look, focus on all the amazing things your body allows you to do every day. Your body deserves your utmost respect and love — it’s freakin’ incredible after all!
7. Replace negative thoughts
The next time you catch yourself thinking negatively about your body, pause, and breathe. Then, replace the negative self-talk with a positive thought instead. Rather than focusing on what you don’t like about your body, focus on what you like about it. Or focus on all that your body does for you. For example:
Negative thought: I hate the fat on my thighs and calves.
Replacement thought: I love my beautiful and healthy skin.
Negative thought: I hate my body.
Replacement thought: My body allows me to live and have wonderful experiences each day.
Negative thought: Everyone has a nicer body than me, it’s not fair.
Replacement thought: I am so much more than the way I look. I am intelligent, kind, and strong (or any other attribute you’re proud of).
8. Keep a gratitude journal
Dedicate a gratitude journal to all the things you’re grateful for about your body. Write in it each day before you go to bed and include all the things your body did that day that you’re grateful for. This can be your legs for allowing you to walk or an injury that’s healing fast. How about your immune system for fighting off a virus or your eyes that allow you to see? On days you feel bad about your body, flick through your journal to remind yourself how amazing your body truly is.
9. Daily mirror affirmations
Instead of looking in the mirror to find fault with your body, use this time to praise yourself. Saying positive affirmations regularly can help change your thoughts and feelings. Make time each day to speak to yourself in the mirror and say:
- I am beautiful;
- I am and have always been enough;
- I am so much more than my physical appearance;
- I deserve and am worthy of love;
- I am grateful for everything my body allows me to do;
- I will show nothing but love and respect for my body;
- I love my body;
- I love the person staring back at me in the mirror.
10. Learn to listen to your body
Being in tune with your body will give you a newfound love and admiration for it. Remember, your mind and body are a team, not against each other. Listen out for the subtle queues your body gives you each day. For example, if you’re hungry, eat. If you’re tired, rest.
11. Pamper your body every day
Pampering doesn’t mean spending lots of money on fancy spa treatments. You can pamper your body in small ways every day. Dedicate some time each day to your body that makes you feel good. Some examples include:
- moisturizing your body after showering;
- using an exfoliating scrub a few times a week;
- giving yourself a hand massage;
- doing a face mask;
- developing a skincare routine;
- taking a bubble bath;
- or giving yourself a manicure or pedicure.
12. Exercise and eat healthily
Working out and eating well does wonders for your mental and physical well-being. Aim to exercise three times a week and fill your diet with plenty of fruit, veggies, and other natural foods. Remember, the goal isn’t to lose weight or look like someone else. Instead, focus on becoming the healthiest and strongest version of yourself possible. Plus, working out and taking more care of what you put into your body will boost your overall self-esteem.
13. Wear clothes that make you feel good
Finding clothes that fit properly can seem near impossible (let’s not even talk about jeans). After all, no one’s body is 100% one size. You may find your breasts are one size and your waist another, or the same with your butt and thighs. Aim to only buy clothes that make you feel comfortable and confident. Ill-fitting clothes can make you feel worse about yourself. If possible, take clothes to the tailors and alter them to fit your beautiful and unique body.
Bonus: do you ever buy clothes hoping that you’ll ‘slim into’ them? Well, avoid doing this. You don’t need to slim into anything. If you want to wear something, don’t let your weight stop you!
14. Masturbate
Body image is closely linked to our sexuality. The more insecure you feel about your body, the more difficult being naked in front of someone else is. So, to boost your body confidence, vamp up the solo action. The more you understand your body sexually, the more confident you’ll feel with a partner. Plus, pleasure has nothing to do with how you look. You deserve pleasure now, not when you’ve lost weight!
15. Speak with a therapist
While we all have body confidence issues to some degree, some people may suffer more than others. Sometimes, people can develop eating disorders, body dysmorphia, depression, or anxiety. If your negative body image is all-consuming or causes distress, consider talking with a trained professional. They can help you work through your issues and help build your self-esteem.
Discover your body with
Learning to accept your body will make life so much more enjoyable. Remember, losing weight or changing your body shape won’t make you happier. Of course, you should lead a healthy lifestyle, but not change yourself. You are enough, exactly as you are! To deepen your connection with your body, start tracking your monthly cycle with We’ll offer you personalized tips and greater insight into the monthly changes your body goes through. Let’s get empowered about ourselves together!