Category: Baby’s Health

Baby's Health

Helping Your Baby Sleep With Soothing Sounds: All You Need To Know

Does your baby wake up several times at night crying? Do they toss and turn with their eyes wide open? Know that you aren’t alone. Navigating a baby’s sleeping patterns is a challenge most parents face. Conventional wisdom suggests establishing sleeping routines, singing lullabies, and rocking your baby to sleep. Yet, specially designed sound programs […]

Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial
Baby's Health

Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]

Baby's Health

Baby Sleep: Why Is It So Important And How Can You Help Your Little One Fall Asleep Naturally?

Sleeping babies. The phrase conjures up images of sweet angelic little faces. Yet getting them to sleep can be a monstrous task! It’s easy to spend hours down the Google rabbit hole trying to find the best baby sleep tips. Most parents would hand over stacks of cold hard cash if they could discover the […]

What is White Noise and Does it Work?
Baby's Health

What is White Noise and Does it Work?

Having a newborn baby can be difficult for the whole family when it comes to getting some sleep. Perhaps your baby won’t stop crying, sleeps at the wrong time, or falls asleep but won’t stay asleep. Sounds familiar? Luckily there are several methods you can try to help your baby fall asleep and stay asleep. One of […]

What is White Noise and Does it Work?
Baby's Health

Aromatherapy for Babies: Can it Help Get Your Baby to Sleep?

Getting your baby to fall asleep and stay asleep can be a challenge, especially in the first few months. If you’re struggling or still discovering ways to help your baby sleep, aromatherapy is a great option to explore. By using natural oils, you can help your baby fall asleep faster AND stay asleep. Sounds like […]

Baby's Health

What is Co-sleeping, Bed-sharing, And Room-sharing?

Some parents sleep with their babies in a different room. Others have a crib in their bedroom. And some even opt to have the baby in their bed with them. There are many divided opinions about all of this, meaning it can be confusing to decide what’s best for you and your family. At the […]

Baby's Health

7 Tips To Naturally Increase Breast Milk Supply

The first 4 to 6 weeks of breastfeeding are crucial for breastfeeding success. Of course, breastfeeding can be stressful, especially if you are a first-time mom. You may be wondering whether you are producing enough breast milk to keep your baby happy and healthy. One of the most common reasons is the fear of insufficient […]

The Effect Of Music On Babies
Baby's Health

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – What You Should Know

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is when a seemingly healthy baby dies suddenly and unexpectedly. SIDS or “crib death” typically occurs during sleep. Although SIDS is extremely rare, it’s the most common cause of death for babies under 1 year old. SIDS is, understandably, frightening. No parent wants to even think about this tragic scenario. However, […]

Baby's Health

Do Lullabies Work? The Power and History of Lullabies

“Rock-a-by baby on the treetop” we’ve all likely sung or been sung a lullaby at some point. They’ve existed for thousands of years and are still a go-to for parents across the globe. From their creepy origin to being used in modern-day cot mobiles, what exactly is it about lullabies that babies love so much? […]

Baby's Health

Baby Massage: What Are its Benefits? What Can You Try?

First-time parents or anyone taking care of a lovely newborn wants to nurture them in every way possible. Is there a method to both nurture and bond with your baby? There is! Massaging babies has many positive benefits, including enhanced interaction and reduced crying spells. Find out more about the benefits of massaging your baby and the […]