Category: Giving Birth
False Labor or Actual labor? How to Spot the Difference
Hospital bag packed? Car seat installed? Crib assembled? You’ve ticked off every item on your checklist. You’re as ready as you can be, and you’ve prepared your home for your baby’s arrival. Those final days are a time of anticipation or even anxiety if you don’t know what to expect. Every twinge and every pain […]
C-sections: What to Expect?
Many mothers-to-be visualize and carefully plan the long-awaited moment of giving birth. While there is nothing wrong with communicating your wishes for this special moment, you should be prepared for the unexpected! Even if you intend to give birth vaginally, bear in mind that unforeseen developments and complications during labor or delivery can lead to […]
All About THE MOMENT: Labor Stages, Delivery Methods, And Pain-Relief Options
Is THE MOMENT you’ve been waiting for: your baby’s birth! For about nine months, a little life has been growing inside you. As your due date nears, you can’t contain your excitement — all you want is to finally meet and hold your baby in your arms. Of course, you may be wondering what to […]
The Different Ways Of Giving Birth – What Are Your Options?
No two births are the same. Medical technology has made childbirth easier and safer for both moms and babies. Although it’s possible to have a smooth and perfectly executed delivery, there might be some hiccups along the way that might require specific delivery methods. Yet, navigating through all these methods and decoding medical jargon can […]
his Is How Stress Influences Your Baby During Pregnancy
It seems that, once you announce your pregnancy to the world, everyone has a piece of advice for you. Eat this, don’t drink that, get plenty of sleep, and don’t stress yourself out. You’ve probably heard this one quite a few times. Even your pediatrician may suggest to “take it easy” and not let stress get in the […]
Relaxation Techniques To Cope With Pain In Labor And Birth
So, you are pregnant and can’t wait to finally welcome that precious little being into your family. Congratulations! If you are a first-time mother or parent, you may have lots of questions regarding labor and birth. What does it feel like? Will it hurt? Are there any natural ways to minimize pain? All of these are well-justified […]
Why You Should Meditate During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a life-changing experience. It is also a time of intense preparation and rapid change. As much as you would like to spend the next 40 weeks showing off your “pregnancy” glow and getting to know your little one, not everything is so fabulous. Hormonal changes can lead to emotional rollercoasters, strange cravings, nausea, […]
A Practical Guide For Organizing Your Home Before The Baby Arrives
You go to the kitchen looking for a clean water bottle. You roam through your cabinets, but can’t find any. Meanwhile, all those adorable stuffed toys and little clothes overtake your living room, bathroom, and bedroom. Sounds stressful? You bet! Channeling your energy for strategic organization and planning before your baby’s arrival will come in […]
The Ultimate Hospital Bag Checklist
Are you ready for the big day? You’ve been dreaming of finally meeting your baby and starting this beautiful chapter in your life. You are probably stocked up on baby food, have painted the nursery, and have gotten hundreds of tiny clothes and baby toys. But don’t forget about something just as important; your hospital […]
7 Effective Ways To Deal With Stress During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time of many changes. Your family is changing, your environment is changing and even your body is changing. While some of these changes are positive, they can be a great source of stress as you enter a terrain of uncertainty. Experts suggest that easing stress can be the key to a healthier […]