Category: Menstrual Cycle
Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]
Period vs Pregnancy Symptoms: Can You Tell the Difference?
It isn’t always easy to tell whether you are pregnant, have PMS (premenstrual syndrome), or are about to get your period. Some PMS symptoms, however, are quite similar to the ones typical of early pregnancies, including mood swings, fatigue, and cramps. Hormones are the responsible parties for these changes. After ovulation, estrogen levels drop while progesterone levels […]
Period Poop: Your Questions Answered
Yep, period poop is a thing. Not only does your period cause cramps, skin breakouts, and bloating, but it also affects your digestive system. The results? You may experience a change in the frequency, consistency, and smell of your poop while you are menstruating. We’re about to answer the most common questions on period poop, […]
Tips For Teens: Starting Your Period
Starting your period can feel embarrassing, overwhelming, and even confusing. All of a sudden, your body is going through many changes that are completely out of your control. You can feel awkward, uncomfortable, and extremely self-conscious. It’s normal, and we all experience similar feelings at one point or another. But, rather than feeling embarrassed about […]
Why Have I Been on My Period for So Long?
Periods are kind of a pain, even if you are one of the lucky ones who feel no pain at all! Bleeding from your vagina can be messy, uncomfortable, and requires extra effort from your side (tampons, pads, menstrual cups, you name it). But what if your period decides it doesn’t want to stop? A […]
The Surprising Effect of Sound Therapy on Menstrual Pain
Painful menstrual periods, aka dysmenorrhea, is the most common gynecologic disorder in women and folks with a womb during their reproductive years. While this may sound alarming, painful periods may happen in the absence of any underlying or serious condition. In fact, about 40 to 90% of women experience painful periods. Although there are plenty of […]
Lessening Period Pain With Meditation
You’re likely more than familiar with menstrual cramps; that throbbing, uncomfortable pain in your lower belly. They strike before or during your period. The discomfort can range from slightly irritating to severe enough to disrupt your daily routine. Some common ways to cope with cramps are by taking pain relievers, applying heat to your tummy, […]
9 Signs You Are Getting Your Period
Are you moody and anxious? Are you feeling pain in your tummy and tenderness in your breasts? Then, chances are you are getting your period. When your period is around the corner, it’s common to experience certain physical and emotional symptoms. Known as PMS (premenstrual syndrome), such symptoms are experienced by around 75% of women […]
All You Need To Know About Periods And The Menstrual Cycle
In simple terms, a period is the release of blood from a person’s uterus through their vagina. Most young girls and people with a womb have their first period between the ages 10 and 15. A period happens because of hormonal changes in the body. Periods are part of a complex process — the menstrual […]
Choosing the Best Sanitary Protection for You
Deciding what sanitary product to use is a personal but sometimes confusing decision to make. There are so many options out there! We have come a very long way from using an old piece of cloth or sheep’s wool (thankfully). You may consider factors such as comfort, cost, and environmental impact. There isn’t a ‘one shoe fits […]