Category: Mindfulness
Lessening Period Pain With Meditation
You’re likely more than familiar with menstrual cramps; that throbbing, uncomfortable pain in your lower belly. They strike before or during your period. The discomfort can range from slightly irritating to severe enough to disrupt your daily routine. Some common ways to cope with cramps are by taking pain relievers, applying heat to your tummy, […]
10 Daily Habits For Happiness And Mental Wellness
“There’s no path to happiness; happiness is the path,” said the Buddha. Yet, modern society has conditioned us to believe the opposite. How many times have you fantasized about getting the perfect house, the perfect body, and the perfect job? You may have even dreamed of winning the lottery — who hasn’t, right? We equate […]
How to Let Go of Unhealthy Attachments and Embrace Growth
Attachments are like invisible threads that connect us to people, things, or ideas. While some attachments are healthy and nurturing, others can be harmful, holding us back from living our best lives. In this article, we’ll explore the concept of attachments, the different types that exist, and most importantly, how to release unhealthy attachments to […]
How To Turn Mindless Activities Into Mindful Moments
There are plenty of activities we do in our daily lives completely mindlessly. What do we mean by this? Well, have you ever pulled up outside your house and had no idea how you got there? You were so zoned out that you didn’t even realize you were driving? Both terrifying and impressive, this is […]
Want To Tame Your Inner Critic? Here Are 5 Helpful Techniques For Quieting Self-Doubt
Dealing with that nagging inner critic can feel like a constant battle. However, you don’t have to let it run the show. In this article, we’ll explore five effective techniques for quieting self-doubt and fostering a more compassionate and confident mindset. Understanding your inner critic Your inner critic is that voice in your head that […]
Relaxation Techniques To Cope With Pain In Labor And Birth
So, you are pregnant and can’t wait to finally welcome that precious little being into your family. Congratulations! If you are a first-time mother or parent, you may have lots of questions regarding labor and birth. What does it feel like? Will it hurt? Are there any natural ways to minimize pain? All of these are well-justified […]
Try Out Our Daily Affirmations For Nurturing Emotional Healing
In the journey of emotional healing, daily affirmations can serve as powerful tools to cultivate positivity and foster growth. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of daily affirmations for emotional healing, exploring what they are, their benefits, and how to incorporate them into your routine for a brighter and more empowered mindset. What […]
A Friendly Guide To Coping With Hormonal Changes While Pregnant
Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of hormones that cause unique physiological changes. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone prepare your body for welcoming your little one. They also tend to cause not-so-welcome side effects such as morning sickness, dizziness, and constipation, among others. Learn about the key pregnancy hormones, their roles, and how meditation can help you […]
7 Effective Ways To Deal With Stress During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a time of many changes. Your family is changing, your environment is changing and even your body is changing. While some of these changes are positive, they can be a great source of stress as you enter a terrain of uncertainty. Experts suggest that easing stress can be the key to a healthier […]
Meditation And Fertility: The Key Role Of A Serene And Clear Mind
Many things have been said about the power of meditation; from being the best tool for stress relief to boosting happiness and even your immune system. It can also be a great solution for moms-to-be who wish to find resilience and inner balance to cope with these exciting, yet hectic times. But, can meditation aid […]