Category: Passion


Having Sex For The First Time: Everything You Need To Know

Being a teenager is a confusing time, especially when it comes to sex! Sex seems to be everywhere. Some are sexually active, while others aren’t. There’s for sure plenty of lies and rumors flying around. Plus, you watch as your male classmates are praised for having sex while the girls they have sex with are […]


Fertility Sex: How To Spice Up the Bedroom While Trying To Conceive

You and your partner have made the important decision of having a baby. Naturally, making a baby entails sex. During this particular period in your life, sex may change. After all, you are getting under the sheets for a specific purpose — conceiving. While trying to conceive, “TTC”, many of us get stressed and anxious. […]


Common Myths about the Female Orgasm

For many people, orgasms are the main goal of sex. And, when it comes to the female orgasm, there are lots of myths, misconceptions, and a lack of factual information out there. We are told that climaxing is nearly impossible for women because we are not as sexual as men are. We read that there should be […]


Why Women Experience Low Libido and How to Reignite Desire

During your life, your sexual desire will fluctuate. Age, hormones, and stress can all affect how little or much you crave sex. While some naturally have a low libido, a lack of desire can be caused by a range of factors, especially if it’s a sudden occurrence. Finding the cause of your low libido is […]


What is Mindful Sex? And How To Practice It!

Have you ever caught your mind drifting during sex and suddenly realized you were miles away? It’s normal and something we all do from time to time. Thinking about your day. Worried about the winter gas bill. Or perhaps simply being on autopilot. These all take you out of the moment and can cause a […]