10 Daily Habits For Happiness And Mental Wellness

Mental Health

“There’s no path to happiness; happiness is the path,” said the Buddha. Yet, modern society has conditioned us to believe the opposite. How many times have you fantasized about getting the perfect house, the perfect body, and the perfect job? You may have even dreamed of winning the lottery — who hasn’t, right? We equate happiness with all of these things after all. Once we get this and that, we’ll finally feel realized, validated, and powerful… In other words, happy. However, this perception of happiness is toxic and harmful.

When you believe that happiness is an ultimate destination, you prevent yourself from enjoying the wonders of the present moment. You fail to appreciate what you already have — your family, friends, small victories, and so on. Instead, you’re constantly chasing the next big thing, which leads to exhaustion and dissatisfaction.

But happiness is not a distant treasure waiting on a remote island. No. Happiness is right here, right now. And you make the conscious choice to savor it; to enjoy the present moment.

Now, everyone’s version of happiness is different. Yet, regardless of your personal version of happiness, know that living a happier life is possible. Here’s when we talk about habits. Positive habits can make it easier for you to feel content and empowered every single day. And, luckily, there are many happy habits you can easily integrate into your daily life.

Top 10 Daily Habits for Happiness and Mental Wellness

Here’s a look at ten habits for happiness and mental wellness. The idea is to slowly incorporate these activities and practices into your daily routine. The more you practice them, the more automatic they become. And, with time, you’ll be able to better appreciate the sentiment of present happiness.

1. Gratitude

First on our daily habits for happiness list is gratitude. Gratitude is much more than saying “thanks”. It is about recognizing the goodness in the world, and the many benefits and gifts you have received throughout your life. Scientific research suggests that gratitude is beneficial as it improves people’s health and happiness. What’s more, it encourages us to adopt healthier habits.

It’s common to feel that you’re missing important things or that your life is simply not how it should be. What you focus on has a great impact on your happiness. So, if you constantly delve into pessimistic and self-critical thoughts, your life experience will feel just like that — dark and unsatisfying.

To avoid this mentality, practice gratitude every day. Try the following:

  • Start your day by mentally revisiting what you are grateful for
  • Write gratitude notes or letters to your friends, relatives, or yourself
  • In the evenings, write down 3 things you are grateful for

2. Personal connections

Have you ever found yourself missing your kids or partner at work? Or maybe you had a tough time during the lockdown, away from your loved ones? Feeling lonely is unpleasant. Yet, experts claim that long-term loneliness and social isolation can cause serious conditions such as anxiety, depression, and dementia. This is why strengthening your social connections should be one of your daily habits for happiness.

You can start by asking yourself, “who do I miss?” Then, once you have that person in mind, drop them a line. We live in the age of technology so, luckily, there are many ways to do that. Don’t make it a one-time occurrence though! Every day or every week, check in with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Another excellent idea is joining a hobby club or volunteer group. This will help you meet new people who share similar interests and passions.

3. Doing what you love

Our days are filled with responsibilities and small (or big) tasks we have to do. Of course, we may have things we want to do, but these are overtaken by the former. Yet, living just to do errands, plans, and work-related projects can be exhausting. And, while all of these are an integral (and inescapable) part of life, you can still find time to do what you love.

So, how can you make this into a daily habit for happiness? Write down all the things you love to do. Is it reading, gardening, jogging, dancing, volunteering, cooking, or something else? Then, identify one thing you can do every day, for at least 20 minutes in between your responsibilities. Once you have identified this particular activity, schedule time to ensure you can engage in it daily.

Doing what you love will not only help you experience momentary happiness but can help you live a purposeful life. Finding your purpose is incredibly important. Studies show that people who have a clear sense of purpose tend to accumulate more wealth and live longer than those who don’t. Right now, you may have a good idea of what your purpose is. Or, you may still be figuring it out. If this is the case, engaging in the activities you love can bring you closer to your purpose.

4. Nutrition

You feel content and pleased when you eat a slice of your favorite pizza. But that’s not the kind of nutrition we’re talking about. In general, food can impact your physical health and mental well-being. And, as you’ve probably heard, a healthy body is a healthy mind and vice versa. In order to feel like your healthiest, and happiest self, eat the following foods in moderation:

  • Highly processed foods
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Refined grains
  • Fast food and fried foods
  • Pastries, cookies, cakes, and candies

This is not to say that you should completely give up on these foods! Simply, reduce their consumption. Additionally, you can try the following nutritious foods and slowly integrate them into your daily diet:

  • Complex carbohydrates (vegetables, beans, and whole grains)
  • Proteins (lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, and dairy)
  • Dark chocolate

For instance, instead of having ice cream or cake for dessert, opt for a bar of dark chocolate. And so, little by little, you’ll add these nutritious options to your diet.

5. Exercise

Need a mental lift after a stressful day? A workout may be just what you need. Experts believe that exercise stimulates several brain chemicals that help you feel relaxed, less anxious, and happier. What’s more, exercise increases self-esteem and can reduce symptoms of depression.

Experts recommend 150 minutes of exercise each week — that is 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If exercise is already an integral part of your routine, that’s wonderful! Keep it like that. If not, don’t worry! You can always start slowly by doing 10 to 20 minutes of exercise per day. With time, you’ll condition your body to achieve the 150-minute per week target.

However, bear in mind that everyone is different. If you have a medical condition or disability that prevents you from exercising, please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your options.

6. Learn

The belief that we have limited knowledge and skills is counterproductive. Plus, it isn’t even true at all! Here’s where we talk about growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means believing that you can constantly expand your knowledge and improve your skill set. People with growth mindsets are open to feedback and willing to learn about their mistakes.

Developing a growth mindset can change your perspective on the world. While this sounds grand, you can slowly get there. So, every day, try to dedicate a few minutes to learning new skills or updating your knowledge on certain topics you’re already familiar with.

7. Get plenty of sleep

How do you feel when you’ve had a bad night’s sleep? Cranky, exhausted, irritated, and/or unfocused? In short, not exactly “happy”. Sleep is essential for your mind and body to recharge. A good night’s sleep leaves you feeling fresh and alert when you wake up in the morning. Most importantly, sleep supports brain health and the immune system. Without adequate sleep, you may be at higher risk of illnesses and cognition issues (memory and focus).

Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. But a good night’s sleep is more than numbers; it’s also about quality. For instance, if you sleep seven hours but wake up several times at night, chances are you didn’t get the quality sleep you need.

Here are a few tips to make healthy sleep one of your daily habits for happiness:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and heavy meals in the evenings
  • Do not look at your phone or any other glowing screen before bedtime
  • Unwind by reading a book, stretching, or taking a warm bath
  • Optimize your bedroom for maximum comfort

8. Find a self-care ritual

Self-care is a fundamental part of looking after yourself. When you practice self-care, you promote positive feelings that boost your motivation and energy. In other words, you create daily bouts of happiness that benefit you and those around you.

It’s all about adopting small habits and rituals that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit. A self-care ritual might be a skincare routine in the mornings or a few minutes of journaling in the evening. Anything that makes you feel whole and content and has a positive impact on your well-being.

9. Plan ahead

Most of us have been there…Waking up to multiple notifications and mountains of pending tasks and/or chores. When you face several responsibilities at once, you feel overwhelmed. Where do I even start, you might wonder. In such a scenario, the best course of action is planning, planning, and planning. Planning your day (or week) ahead of time gives you a greater sense of control. You no longer feel like you have an impossible mission to accomplish. Instead, you know what to prioritize and how to accommodate your schedule accordingly.

Not sure how to do this? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is important and urgent?
  • What is important but not urgent?
  • What can you say “no” to?
  • What is not important and not urgent?

10. Face stress

Stress is unavoidable and that’s okay. After all, stress isn’t always bad. In fact, it’s a natural, physical response. Stress raises our awareness of challenging or potentially dangerous situations, helping us to react quickly. However, constant stress is harmful to our health.

Everyone deals with stress differently. Of course, some coping mechanisms are more effective than others. For instance, procrastinating to forget your problems or seeking comfort in food is not beneficial for your health or well-being. They may even cause you more stress.

Instead of ignoring or letting stress overwhelm you, try to face it head-on. This means recognizing the signs of stress. Is your heart racing or do you feel nauseous? Are you struggling to fall and stay asleep? Feeling anxious and restless? If so, you may be under stress. After identifying these symptoms, you can work on developing coping strategies that suit your needs and personality.

Here are some tips:

  • Again, plan your day and week ahead
  • Try breathing techniques whenever you feel stressed
  • Say “no” to any additional responsibilities when you feel like your plate is full
  • Rely on your friends and family for emotional support

Bonus: Listen to Beginning.com

You have reached the end of our 10 daily habits for happiness list! But, before you go, we have an extra something for you: Beginning.com. In addition to informative articles and masterclasses, the app offers dozens of soothing soundscapes for greater well-being. Each soundscape is a one-of-a-kind “journey” powered by nature sounds and soothing music.

As you listen, your mind will relax and immerse in the relaxing sounds. You’ll let go of stressful thoughts and negative mind-chatter. You’ll cultivate mindfulness to focus on what truly matters.

So make sure to check out Beginning.com’s sound journey gallery.

10 Daily Habits For Happiness And Mental Wellness


“There’s no path to happiness; happiness is the path,” said the Buddha. Yet, modern society has conditioned us to believe the opposite. How many times have you fantasized about getting the perfect house, the perfect body, and the perfect job? You may have even dreamed of winning the lottery — who hasn’t, right? We equate happiness with all of these things after all. Once we get this and that, we’ll finally feel realized, validated, and powerful… In other words, happy. However, this perception of happiness is toxic and harmful.

When you believe that happiness is an ultimate destination, you prevent yourself from enjoying the wonders of the present moment. You fail to appreciate what you already have — your family, friends, small victories, and so on. Instead, you’re constantly chasing the next big thing, which leads to exhaustion and dissatisfaction.

But happiness is not a distant treasure waiting on a remote island. No. Happiness is right here, right now. And you make the conscious choice to savor it; to enjoy the present moment.

Now, everyone’s version of happiness is different. Yet, regardless of your personal version of happiness, know that living a happier life is possible. Here’s when we talk about habits. Positive habits can make it easier for you to feel content and empowered every single day. And, luckily, there are many happy habits you can easily integrate into your daily life.

Top 10 Daily Habits for Happiness and Mental Wellness

Here’s a look at ten habits for happiness and mental wellness. The idea is to slowly incorporate these activities and practices into your daily routine. The more you practice them, the more automatic they become. And, with time, you’ll be able to better appreciate the sentiment of present happiness.

1. Gratitude

First on our daily habits for happiness list is gratitude. Gratitude is much more than saying “thanks”. It is about recognizing the goodness in the world, and the many benefits and gifts you have received throughout your life. Scientific research suggests that gratitude is beneficial as it improves people’s health and happiness. What’s more, it encourages us to adopt healthier habits.

It’s common to feel that you’re missing important things or that your life is simply not how it should be. What you focus on has a great impact on your happiness. So, if you constantly delve into pessimistic and self-critical thoughts, your life experience will feel just like that — dark and unsatisfying.

To avoid this mentality, practice gratitude every day. Try the following:

  • Start your day by mentally revisiting what you are grateful for
  • Write gratitude notes or letters to your friends, relatives, or yourself
  • In the evenings, write down 3 things you are grateful for

2. Personal connections

Have you ever found yourself missing your kids or partner at work? Or maybe you had a tough time during the lockdown, away from your loved ones? Feeling lonely is unpleasant. Yet, experts claim that long-term loneliness and social isolation can cause serious conditions such as anxiety, depression, and dementia. This is why strengthening your social connections should be one of your daily habits for happiness.

You can start by asking yourself, “who do I miss?” Then, once you have that person in mind, drop them a line. We live in the age of technology so, luckily, there are many ways to do that. Don’t make it a one-time occurrence though! Every day or every week, check in with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Another excellent idea is joining a hobby club or volunteer group. This will help you meet new people who share similar interests and passions.

3. Doing what you love

Our days are filled with responsibilities and small (or big) tasks we have to do. Of course, we may have things we want to do, but these are overtaken by the former. Yet, living just to do errands, plans, and work-related projects can be exhausting. And, while all of these are an integral (and inescapable) part of life, you can still find time to do what you love.

So, how can you make this into a daily habit for happiness? Write down all the things you love to do. Is it reading, gardening, jogging, dancing, volunteering, cooking, or something else? Then, identify one thing you can do every day, for at least 20 minutes in between your responsibilities. Once you have identified this particular activity, schedule time to ensure you can engage in it daily.

Doing what you love will not only help you experience momentary happiness but can help you live a purposeful life. Finding your purpose is incredibly important. Studies show that people who have a clear sense of purpose tend to accumulate more wealth and live longer than those who don’t. Right now, you may have a good idea of what your purpose is. Or, you may still be figuring it out. If this is the case, engaging in the activities you love can bring you closer to your purpose.

4. Nutrition

You feel content and pleased when you eat a slice of your favorite pizza. But that’s not the kind of nutrition we’re talking about. In general, food can impact your physical health and mental well-being. And, as you’ve probably heard, a healthy body is a healthy mind and vice versa. In order to feel like your healthiest, and happiest self, eat the following foods in moderation:

  • Highly processed foods
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Refined grains
  • Fast food and fried foods
  • Pastries, cookies, cakes, and candies

This is not to say that you should completely give up on these foods! Simply, reduce their consumption. Additionally, you can try the following nutritious foods and slowly integrate them into your daily diet:

  • Complex carbohydrates (vegetables, beans, and whole grains)
  • Proteins (lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, and dairy)
  • Dark chocolate

For instance, instead of having ice cream or cake for dessert, opt for a bar of dark chocolate. And so, little by little, you’ll add these nutritious options to your diet.

5. Exercise

Need a mental lift after a stressful day? A workout may be just what you need. Experts believe that exercise stimulates several brain chemicals that help you feel relaxed, less anxious, and happier. What’s more, exercise increases self-esteem and can reduce symptoms of depression.

Experts recommend 150 minutes of exercise each week — that is 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If exercise is already an integral part of your routine, that’s wonderful! Keep it like that. If not, don’t worry! You can always start slowly by doing 10 to 20 minutes of exercise per day. With time, you’ll condition your body to achieve the 150-minute per week target.

However, bear in mind that everyone is different. If you have a medical condition or disability that prevents you from exercising, please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your options.

6. Learn

The belief that we have limited knowledge and skills is counterproductive. Plus, it isn’t even true at all! Here’s where we talk about growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means believing that you can constantly expand your knowledge and improve your skill set. People with growth mindsets are open to feedback and willing to learn about their mistakes.

Developing a growth mindset can change your perspective on the world. While this sounds grand, you can slowly get there. So, every day, try to dedicate a few minutes to learning new skills or updating your knowledge on certain topics you’re already familiar with.

7. Get plenty of sleep

How do you feel when you’ve had a bad night’s sleep? Cranky, exhausted, irritated, and/or unfocused? In short, not exactly “happy”. Sleep is essential for your mind and body to recharge. A good night’s sleep leaves you feeling fresh and alert when you wake up in the morning. Most importantly, sleep supports brain health and the immune system. Without adequate sleep, you may be at higher risk of illnesses and cognition issues (memory and focus).

Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. But a good night’s sleep is more than numbers; it’s also about quality. For instance, if you sleep seven hours but wake up several times at night, chances are you didn’t get the quality sleep you need.

Here are a few tips to make healthy sleep one of your daily habits for happiness:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and heavy meals in the evenings
  • Do not look at your phone or any other glowing screen before bedtime
  • Unwind by reading a book, stretching, or taking a warm bath
  • Optimize your bedroom for maximum comfort

8. Find a self-care ritual

Self-care is a fundamental part of looking after yourself. When you practice self-care, you promote positive feelings that boost your motivation and energy. In other words, you create daily bouts of happiness that benefit you and those around you.

It’s all about adopting small habits and rituals that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit. A self-care ritual might be a skincare routine in the mornings or a few minutes of journaling in the evening. Anything that makes you feel whole and content and has a positive impact on your well-being.

9. Plan ahead

Most of us have been there…Waking up to multiple notifications and mountains of pending tasks and/or chores. When you face several responsibilities at once, you feel overwhelmed. Where do I even start, you might wonder. In such a scenario, the best course of action is planning, planning, and planning. Planning your day (or week) ahead of time gives you a greater sense of control. You no longer feel like you have an impossible mission to accomplish. Instead, you know what to prioritize and how to accommodate your schedule accordingly.

Not sure how to do this? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is important and urgent?
  • What is important but not urgent?
  • What can you say “no” to?
  • What is not important and not urgent?

10. Face stress

Stress is unavoidable and that’s okay. After all, stress isn’t always bad. In fact, it’s a natural, physical response. Stress raises our awareness of challenging or potentially dangerous situations, helping us to react quickly. However, constant stress is harmful to our health.

Everyone deals with stress differently. Of course, some coping mechanisms are more effective than others. For instance, procrastinating to forget your problems or seeking comfort in food is not beneficial for your health or well-being. They may even cause you more stress.

Instead of ignoring or letting stress overwhelm you, try to face it head-on. This means recognizing the signs of stress. Is your heart racing or do you feel nauseous? Are you struggling to fall and stay asleep? Feeling anxious and restless? If so, you may be under stress. After identifying these symptoms, you can work on developing coping strategies that suit your needs and personality.

Here are some tips:

  • Again, plan your day and week ahead
  • Try breathing techniques whenever you feel stressed
  • Say “no” to any additional responsibilities when you feel like your plate is full
  • Rely on your friends and family for emotional support

Bonus: Listen to Beginning.com

You have reached the end of our 10 daily habits for happiness list! But, before you go, we have an extra something for you: Beginning.com. In addition to informative articles and masterclasses, the app offers dozens of soothing soundscapes for greater well-being. Each soundscape is a one-of-a-kind “journey” powered by nature sounds and soothing music.

As you listen, your mind will relax and immerse in the relaxing sounds. You’ll let go of stressful thoughts and negative mind-chatter. You’ll cultivate mindfulness to focus on what truly matters.

So make sure to check out Beginning.com’s sound journey gallery.

10 Daily Habits For Happiness And Mental Wellness

Health & Wellness

“There’s no path to happiness; happiness is the path,” said the Buddha. Yet, modern society has conditioned us to believe the opposite. How many times have you fantasized about getting the perfect house, the perfect body, and the perfect job? You may have even dreamed of winning the lottery — who hasn’t, right? We equate happiness with all of these things after all. Once we get this and that, we’ll finally feel realized, validated, and powerful… In other words, happy. However, this perception of happiness is toxic and harmful.

When you believe that happiness is an ultimate destination, you prevent yourself from enjoying the wonders of the present moment. You fail to appreciate what you already have — your family, friends, small victories, and so on. Instead, you’re constantly chasing the next big thing, which leads to exhaustion and dissatisfaction.

But happiness is not a distant treasure waiting on a remote island. No. Happiness is right here, right now. And you make the conscious choice to savor it; to enjoy the present moment.

Now, everyone’s version of happiness is different. Yet, regardless of your personal version of happiness, know that living a happier life is possible. Here’s when we talk about habits. Positive habits can make it easier for you to feel content and empowered every single day. And, luckily, there are many happy habits you can easily integrate into your daily life.

Top 10 Daily Habits for Happiness and Mental Wellness

Here’s a look at ten habits for happiness and mental wellness. The idea is to slowly incorporate these activities and practices into your daily routine. The more you practice them, the more automatic they become. And, with time, you’ll be able to better appreciate the sentiment of present happiness.

1. Gratitude

First on our daily habits for happiness list is gratitude. Gratitude is much more than saying “thanks”. It is about recognizing the goodness in the world, and the many benefits and gifts you have received throughout your life. Scientific research suggests that gratitude is beneficial as it improves people’s health and happiness. What’s more, it encourages us to adopt healthier habits.

It’s common to feel that you’re missing important things or that your life is simply not how it should be. What you focus on has a great impact on your happiness. So, if you constantly delve into pessimistic and self-critical thoughts, your life experience will feel just like that — dark and unsatisfying.

To avoid this mentality, practice gratitude every day. Try the following:

  • Start your day by mentally revisiting what you are grateful for
  • Write gratitude notes or letters to your friends, relatives, or yourself
  • In the evenings, write down 3 things you are grateful for

2. Personal connections

Have you ever found yourself missing your kids or partner at work? Or maybe you had a tough time during the lockdown, away from your loved ones? Feeling lonely is unpleasant. Yet, experts claim that long-term loneliness and social isolation can cause serious conditions such as anxiety, depression, and dementia. This is why strengthening your social connections should be one of your daily habits for happiness.

You can start by asking yourself, “who do I miss?” Then, once you have that person in mind, drop them a line. We live in the age of technology so, luckily, there are many ways to do that. Don’t make it a one-time occurrence though! Every day or every week, check in with your friends, family, and colleagues.

Another excellent idea is joining a hobby club or volunteer group. This will help you meet new people who share similar interests and passions.

3. Doing what you love

Our days are filled with responsibilities and small (or big) tasks we have to do. Of course, we may have things we want to do, but these are overtaken by the former. Yet, living just to do errands, plans, and work-related projects can be exhausting. And, while all of these are an integral (and inescapable) part of life, you can still find time to do what you love.

So, how can you make this into a daily habit for happiness? Write down all the things you love to do. Is it reading, gardening, jogging, dancing, volunteering, cooking, or something else? Then, identify one thing you can do every day, for at least 20 minutes in between your responsibilities. Once you have identified this particular activity, schedule time to ensure you can engage in it daily.

Doing what you love will not only help you experience momentary happiness but can help you live a purposeful life. Finding your purpose is incredibly important. Studies show that people who have a clear sense of purpose tend to accumulate more wealth and live longer than those who don’t. Right now, you may have a good idea of what your purpose is. Or, you may still be figuring it out. If this is the case, engaging in the activities you love can bring you closer to your purpose.

4. Nutrition

You feel content and pleased when you eat a slice of your favorite pizza. But that’s not the kind of nutrition we’re talking about. In general, food can impact your physical health and mental well-being. And, as you’ve probably heard, a healthy body is a healthy mind and vice versa. In order to feel like your healthiest, and happiest self, eat the following foods in moderation:

  • Highly processed foods
  • Sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
  • Refined grains
  • Fast food and fried foods
  • Pastries, cookies, cakes, and candies

This is not to say that you should completely give up on these foods! Simply, reduce their consumption. Additionally, you can try the following nutritious foods and slowly integrate them into your daily diet:

  • Complex carbohydrates (vegetables, beans, and whole grains)
  • Proteins (lean meat, poultry, fish, legumes, and dairy)
  • Dark chocolate

For instance, instead of having ice cream or cake for dessert, opt for a bar of dark chocolate. And so, little by little, you’ll add these nutritious options to your diet.

5. Exercise

Need a mental lift after a stressful day? A workout may be just what you need. Experts believe that exercise stimulates several brain chemicals that help you feel relaxed, less anxious, and happier. What’s more, exercise increases self-esteem and can reduce symptoms of depression.

Experts recommend 150 minutes of exercise each week — that is 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. If exercise is already an integral part of your routine, that’s wonderful! Keep it like that. If not, don’t worry! You can always start slowly by doing 10 to 20 minutes of exercise per day. With time, you’ll condition your body to achieve the 150-minute per week target.

However, bear in mind that everyone is different. If you have a medical condition or disability that prevents you from exercising, please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your options.

6. Learn

The belief that we have limited knowledge and skills is counterproductive. Plus, it isn’t even true at all! Here’s where we talk about growth mindset. Having a growth mindset means believing that you can constantly expand your knowledge and improve your skill set. People with growth mindsets are open to feedback and willing to learn about their mistakes.

Developing a growth mindset can change your perspective on the world. While this sounds grand, you can slowly get there. So, every day, try to dedicate a few minutes to learning new skills or updating your knowledge on certain topics you’re already familiar with.

7. Get plenty of sleep

How do you feel when you’ve had a bad night’s sleep? Cranky, exhausted, irritated, and/or unfocused? In short, not exactly “happy”. Sleep is essential for your mind and body to recharge. A good night’s sleep leaves you feeling fresh and alert when you wake up in the morning. Most importantly, sleep supports brain health and the immune system. Without adequate sleep, you may be at higher risk of illnesses and cognition issues (memory and focus).

Most adults need between 7 to 9 hours of sleep. But a good night’s sleep is more than numbers; it’s also about quality. For instance, if you sleep seven hours but wake up several times at night, chances are you didn’t get the quality sleep you need.

Here are a few tips to make healthy sleep one of your daily habits for happiness:

  • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and heavy meals in the evenings
  • Do not look at your phone or any other glowing screen before bedtime
  • Unwind by reading a book, stretching, or taking a warm bath
  • Optimize your bedroom for maximum comfort

8. Find a self-care ritual

Self-care is a fundamental part of looking after yourself. When you practice self-care, you promote positive feelings that boost your motivation and energy. In other words, you create daily bouts of happiness that benefit you and those around you.

It’s all about adopting small habits and rituals that will nourish your mind, body, and spirit. A self-care ritual might be a skincare routine in the mornings or a few minutes of journaling in the evening. Anything that makes you feel whole and content and has a positive impact on your well-being.

9. Plan ahead

Most of us have been there…Waking up to multiple notifications and mountains of pending tasks and/or chores. When you face several responsibilities at once, you feel overwhelmed. Where do I even start, you might wonder. In such a scenario, the best course of action is planning, planning, and planning. Planning your day (or week) ahead of time gives you a greater sense of control. You no longer feel like you have an impossible mission to accomplish. Instead, you know what to prioritize and how to accommodate your schedule accordingly.

Not sure how to do this? Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is important and urgent?
  • What is important but not urgent?
  • What can you say “no” to?
  • What is not important and not urgent?

10. Face stress

Stress is unavoidable and that’s okay. After all, stress isn’t always bad. In fact, it’s a natural, physical response. Stress raises our awareness of challenging or potentially dangerous situations, helping us to react quickly. However, constant stress is harmful to our health.

Everyone deals with stress differently. Of course, some coping mechanisms are more effective than others. For instance, procrastinating to forget your problems or seeking comfort in food is not beneficial for your health or well-being. They may even cause you more stress.

Instead of ignoring or letting stress overwhelm you, try to face it head-on. This means recognizing the signs of stress. Is your heart racing or do you feel nauseous? Are you struggling to fall and stay asleep? Feeling anxious and restless? If so, you may be under stress. After identifying these symptoms, you can work on developing coping strategies that suit your needs and personality.

Here are some tips:

  • Again, plan your day and week ahead
  • Try breathing techniques whenever you feel stressed
  • Say “no” to any additional responsibilities when you feel like your plate is full
  • Rely on your friends and family for emotional support

Bonus: Listen to Beginning.com

You have reached the end of our 10 daily habits for happiness list! But, before you go, we have an extra something for you: Beginning.com. In addition to informative articles and masterclasses, the app offers dozens of soothing soundscapes for greater well-being. Each soundscape is a one-of-a-kind “journey” powered by nature sounds and soothing music.

As you listen, your mind will relax and immerse in the relaxing sounds. You’ll let go of stressful thoughts and negative mind-chatter. You’ll cultivate mindfulness to focus on what truly matters.

So make sure to check out Beginning.com’s sound journey gallery.