New Parent? Check Out our Tips for High-quality Sleep
Expecting? You may be bracing yourself for 2 AM wake-up calls, unexpected diaper changes, multiple feedings, and bouts of fussiness. Your friends and family say to prepare yourself for kissing a good night’s sleep goodbye. But, this doesn’t have to be the case. Ge through the newborn days alert and fresh while catching some extra ZZZ’s. Here are some timely tips for new parents.
1. Make it a team effort
Teamwork can make a huge, positive difference! Have a chat with your partner or spouse. Work out a schedule that allows you to get uninterrupted sleep and take care of the baby. If you are breastfeeding, your partner can still offer a helping hand by bringing the baby to you or changing nappies. Your partner can also feed the baby a bottle with breast milk at the first wake-up so you can get proper sleep during the night’s first half.
2. Co-sleep with your baby
Make your life easier by placing your baby’s crib or bassinet beside your bed. This will save you the trip to the nursery when you are exhausted and sleep-deprived. “Co-sleeping” with your baby makes it easier for you to tend to your little one and go back to sleep as soon as possible. Note that, while sleeping in the same bed with your baby is tempting, this should be avoided. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against this as it could be dangerous for your baby.
3. Optimize your sleeping environment
Take a look at your bedroom. Is it the most comfortable place to sleep? If you’re having doubts, let’s start by removing anything that isn’t necessary — clutter, unfolded clothes, scattered papers, or workout machines. Not only does a tidy room look great and relaxing but also gives you more space to walk around when taking care of your baby.
Make your bed as comfy as possible too. When sleep is short in supply, a comfortable and supportive bed can make a positive impact, facilitating restful sleep. Get yourself some nice pillows and smooth blankets. If your mattress is old and lumpy (and you can afford it), invest in a new one. You can also make your bedroom as dark as possible by getting thick and dark curtains.
4. Don’t be shy and ask for help
Proving “you can manage” can be tempting. But, if your friends or relatives offer help, don’t be shy and take it! Give them small chores to do like sweeping the floor, washing the dishes, loading the washing machine, or picking up groceries. Your loved ones may be also willing to help to change nappies, bottle feeding, or simply watch over the baby while you nap.
5. Encourage self-soothing
You don’t have to pick up your baby every time he or she fusses. Let your little one cry himself or herself to sleep. Only pick them up if you suspect they’re hungry or uncomfortable. Sometimes, they just need to see you feel reassured. Some professionals advise not rocking the baby to sleep in your arms as this might become a habit. It’s a personal choice, of course.
6. Practice sleep hygiene
● Avoid screens and electronic devices: You may want to check your notifications or snap a cute picture of your baby, however, using your phone, tablet, or laptop at night can harm your sleeping cycle. The screen’s blue light confuses your body clock and makes it hard for you to fall and stay asleep.
● Cut off caffeine: Making caffeine a substitute for sleep can be tempting, but it shouldn’t happen. You drink one or two cups to stay awake during the day. Yet, you struggle to fall and stay asleep later. Opt for cutting off caffeine or keeping its consumption at a safe minimum.
● Don’t bother with sleep meds: Trying an over-the-counter sleep medication without a green light from your doctor is not wise. These medications have varying side effects or can interfere with your sleeping schedule. If you feel like you need urgent help, talk to your doctor first.
● Stick to a regular schedule: This may sound impossible with a newborn at home, but it isn’t! Try to fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. Yes, there will be interruptions, so you’ll have to be a bit flexible with your schedule.
7. Relax
Relaxing while taking care of your newborn may seem counterintuitive. But we are not talking about the kind of “forget about it all and do nothing” type. Rather, it’s the type of relaxation that prepares your mind to ensure quick and restful sleep.
Listen to’s Post-pregnancy audio sessions to ease stress and bring your mind to a deep state of serenity, ideal for falling asleep and waking up refreshed. We also have something very special for your baby! Baby Sleep’s sessions feature a series of soothing and natural sounds to help your little one enjoy a peaceful slumber.