15 Essential Things You Should Do Before Your Baby’s Arrival
You are having a baby, congrats! Right now, you probably have plenty of things on your mind. As the due date approaches, your stress and anxiety levels spiral. You wonder if you have done everything you are supposed to do to welcome your little one. Avoid a future headache and stay calm by preparing everything ahead of time. Here are 15 important things you should do before your baby arrives. Let’s take some notes!
1. Learn as much as possible
As a new parent, you may have lots of burning questions. Some of these questions will be answered through practical experience, whereas others are discussed in information booklets, courses, and workshops. Make sure to learn as much as possible, especially if you are a new parent. Enroll in free classes and make a list of questions to ask during your doctor’s visits. These resources will make you less anxious and boost your confidence. If this is your first pregnancy we highly encourage you to enroll in prenatal classes. You will learn what to expect during labor and delivery, especially some very useful breathing and pushing techniques.
2. Check your work benefits
Are you entitled to parental leave? How does it last? Is it paid? Check your contract to understand what work benefits are available to you. Knowing how much time and what resources you are entitled to will help you get organized in time for your due date. Having time off is also wonderful as it allows you to bond with your baby and enjoy your time together without worrying about work or pending duties. What’s more, it can help you make early decisions about daycare or child care.
3. Write down a to-buy list
One of the best strategies to organize yourself is by writing down everything you need to buy. Think about the essentials you will need for your baby’s first six months. Diapers, water bottles, formula, pajamas, a first aid kit, etc. If you need an extra hand, check out our comprehensive list. And remember not to jump too ahead in time! So, don’t bother with shoes, smart outfits, winter clothes, and so on.
4. Prepare for worst-case scenarios
It’s an exciting time, so you probably don’t want to think about anything uncomfortable. But, in truth, it is best to be prepared. Before your baby’s arrival, you may want to update your will or start creating one. Should anything happen to you or your partner, it’s best to ensure your child is covered. If applicable, you should consider getting life insurance. If you don’t know much about these topics, consult with a professional before making any decisions.
5. Make a budget
A baby changes many things, including your finances. Make a family budget plan as soon as possible, taking into account everything from groceries to utilities and debts. This will help you understand exactly where your money is going and how baby-related costs may fit in.
6. Install the baby’s car seat
You want your baby to be safe and comfortable on their trip home once discharged from the hospital. In many countries, nurses will actually not let you leave the hospital without a baby seat. So, it is important to get an age-appropriate baby car seat. Install it a few weeks before the due date because you simply never know when you might go into labor. Usually, car seats are easy to install, so you can do it by yourself. If you are not very confident with the final result, some places offer car installation checks.
7. Choose your pediatrician or family doctor
Don’t have a pediatrician yet? Do it as soon as possible, preferably before delivery. You will have to see a pediatrician soon after your baby’s birth. The first few weeks are exhausting and you will have your hands full. So, choosing your pediatrician ahead of time is the best course of action. Ask your hospital or general patrician if they know someone. Or, ask your friends if they can recommend somebody.
8. Stock up on important (adult) products
When doing the last few shops before the birth, grab some extras of everything. You won’t have much time for going shopping regularly, so it’s best to have plenty of toilet paper, body soap, laundry detergent, etc. While you are at it, refill your medicine cabinet with basic items such as hand sanitizer, band-aids, cough remedies, headache relievers, and so on.
9. Organize your home
Organize your home to make it as baby-friendly and as practical for you as possible. You’ll want your diapering supplies in the same place, and baby food items in a single cabinet. If you’re not sure where to start, check out our tips for organizing your home before your baby’s arrival.
10. Do a safety check
Your baby won’t be mobile immediately, but you can start preparing ahead of time. Do a safety check and target the “red” areas in your home. Cover plug sockets, store chemicals in high-top cabinets, install child locks, and install baby gates at the bottom and top of stairs.
11. Stock up the fridge
Chances are, in the first few weeks you will be consumed by breastfeeding your newborn and preparing formula. But don’t forget about yourself and the rest of your family! A few weeks before delivery, stock up the fridge with healthy and easy-to-make foods for you, your partner, and other kids. Add a few easy-to-grab snacks like nuts, veggies, fruits, or granola bars for when meals are taking a while to be served.
12. Buy yourself some clothes
As your baby grows inside your belly, your body starts changing. Buy a few maternity clothes when you fall pregnant, but don’t overdo it. As the delivery date approaches, invest in one or two nursing bras. You aren’t supposed to use underwire bras until you’ve breastfed for three months. Nursing bras are the most comfortable option and they will save you the pain of trying to fit nursing pads in regular bras. There are also plenty of specially designed nursing clothes to choose from. But, if you are on a budget, get regular clothes that make it easy for you to breastfeed like a button-down shirt or a dress with a top zipper.
13. Take a hospital tour
Familiarize yourself with the hospital where you will be delivering. This way, you will know exactly where to go when you are going into labor. You will also have a chance to check out the kind of rooms where you will be giving birth and recovering. Arrange a hospital tour (if possible) or look at floor maps on the website.
14. Prepare your hospital bag or bags
Some hospitals provide expectant mothers with everything they need, but this varies. Start packing essential items for your hospital stay a couple of weeks before delivery. Include your phone, charger, a change of clothes, towels, toiletries, a pack of diapers and so on. Once everything is packed, keep your bag in your car or near the door so you are ready when the time comes. Not sure what you should pack? Check out our ultimate hospital bag list.
15. Relax and take care of yourself
In your rush to make everything perfect for your baby’s arrival, chances are that you might neglect yourself. Make room in your schedule for relaxation and “me” time. Do what you love, head to the cinema, eat at a fancy restaurant, or hang out with your closest friends. Remember that you won’t have a lot of time to do so once your baby’s here! If you can’t seem to relax, Beginning.com is here for you. Our program offers beautiful and soothing audio meditations to bring your mind into a placid, meditative state. Fully relax and unwind in just a few minutes.
Struggling to unwind? It’s time to take a deep breath! Simply listen to “9 months”, our audio sessions specially designed to promote relaxation during pregnancy.
And there’s more! Check out our “Coping with Anxiety and Depression during Pregnancy” masterclass.