What Is The Intuitive Mind And How Can You Tap Into Yours?


Albert Einstein once said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” But what exactly is the intuitive mind, and why is it so beneficial to us? Keep reading to discover all the answers to your questions. In this article, we’ll discuss what the intuitive mind is, and how you can tap into yours?

What exactly is ‘The Intuitive Mind’

The intuitive mind sounds way more complicated than it actually is. But, it’s really just a fancy way of saying your “gut-feeling”, “sixth sense”, or “intuition”. All of these describe our ability to understand something immediately without needing conscious reasoning.

For example, have you ever met someone and had a funny feeling about them? Or, been walking down a sketchy street late at night and felt on edge? This is your intuitive mind at play. According to experts, “intuition is always right in at least two important ways; It is always in response to something, and it always has your best interest at heart”. That’s right, your intuitive mind is here to keep you safe, from all kinds of danger.

The problem with rational thinking

Intuition is an immediate reaction, almost an instinct. Whereas rational thinking is something we’re taught from a young age. Often, your rational mind interferes with your intuitive mind.

Let’s say you find an amazing job opportunity online. It’s your dream job, the salary is amazing, and there are multiple perks. But something seems “off” or too good to be true. This is your intuition. However, your rational mind might convince you that you’re just overthinking or being paranoid. So, you go ahead and apply. However, when you get the job, you soon realize it was a scam. Your intuition was right!

Unfortunately, our intuitive thoughts are much quieter than rational ones. While your intuitive mind might respond to a situation first, it will quickly get drowned out by rational thinking. However, you can learn to strengthen your intuition, we’ll discuss this a bit further down.

The Sixth Sense

Your five senses, sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing enable you to experience the world around you. However, these senses are limited as they only allow you to experience what is there.

Your sixth sense A.K.A, intuition, is different. Unlike your other senses, your sixth sense isn’t connected to receptors. We can’t measure it, nor do we fully understand its source. However, the sixth sense is innate in all of us.

In the past, we humans heavily relied on our sixth sense to stay alive. Our ancestors followed their primal instincts, their other senses, and cues from the environment to stay safe. But in modern life, we have completely lost touch with our sixth sense.

The Third Eye

In some spiritual practices, the third eye represents the sixth sense. This isn’t a physical eye but a chakra called Anja located at the center of your head. Chakras are wheel-like energy points found throughout your body. By unblocking this chakra, people believe you can strengthen your intuition and deepen your spiritual connection.

While there is no scientific evidence to support these theories, chakras have been present in many cultures for thousands of years. Perhaps these ancient societies knew something that we’ve currently lost touch with?

The benefits of strengthening your intuitive mind

Whether you believe in chakras and the third eye or not, your intuition is the connection to your subconscious. By tapping into this, you can unlock many powerful benefits like:

  • helping you make better decisions;
  • keeping you safe;
  • increasing your self-awareness;
  • enhancing your creativity;
  • improving your physical health;
  • and improving your mental well-being.

6 ways to strengthen your intuitive mind

Tapping into your intuitive mind is a lot simpler than it sounds. As previously mentioned, intuition is innate in all of us. You just have to learn how to feel, not merely think. Here are six useful strategies to help you strengthen your intuitive mind.

1. Meditate

Meditation gives you an opportunity to still your mind. As intuitive thoughts are quieter than the usual chatter inside your head, meditating regularly allows you to feel your intuition. Hey, why don’t you try a guided meditation session that targets your third eye chakra?

2. Listen to your body

Pay close attention to how you´re feeling, especially if you’re in the middle of making a decision. Do you feel sick, have a headache, or have a weird “gut feeling”? This could be your intuition trying to tell you something.

3. Slow down

Having a chaotic schedule, being on auto-pilot, or having zero time for yourself can all make hearing your intuitive thoughts difficult. So, take some time out once in a while. Spend more time in nature and schedule some alone time. In your daily life, avoid rushing around. The less chaos in your life, the more detectable your intuition will be.

4. Trust yourself

If you have a bad feeling or an intuitive thought, trust it. Don´t tell yourself you’re crazy or paranoid. Instead, consider this feeling and allow it to help determine your next move.

5. Write it down

This follows from the previous point. Every time you have a feeling you can’t explain, write it down. There’s usually a valid reason you feel this way. With time, you can look back at these notes and validate your intuition — look at how many occasions you were right!

6. Learn from your past self

Reflect on your past mistakes to identify if there were any cues before them. Did you ignore red flags? Or dismiss your feelings? Likewise, think back to when you felt good about something and the outcome was positive. Doing so will also validate your initiative mind.

Tap into your intuitive mind with Beginning.com

To strengthen your intuition you need a clear mind, and we have the perfect tool to help. Check out our three-dimensional soundscapes that support your physical and mental well-being. Each audio is an immersive sound journey combining authentic nature sounds, relaxing frequencies, and original music. Just plug in your headphones and listen to help you relax, destress, and make room for your intuitive thoughts. Only at Beginning.com.

What Is The Intuitive Mind And How Can You Tap Into Yours?


Albert Einstein once said “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” But what exactly is the intuitive mind, and why is it so beneficial to us? Keep reading to discover all the answers to your questions. In this article, we’ll discuss what the intuitive mind is, and how you can tap into yours?

What exactly is ‘The Intuitive Mind’

The intuitive mind sounds way more complicated than it actually is. But, it’s really just a fancy way of saying your “gut-feeling”, “sixth sense”, or “intuition”. All of these describe our ability to understand something immediately without needing conscious reasoning.

For example, have you ever met someone and had a funny feeling about them? Or, been walking down a sketchy street late at night and felt on edge? This is your intuitive mind at play. According to experts, “intuition is always right in at least two important ways; It is always in response to something, and it always has your best interest at heart”. That’s right, your intuitive mind is here to keep you safe, from all kinds of danger.

The problem with rational thinking

Intuition is an immediate reaction, almost an instinct. Whereas rational thinking is something we’re taught from a young age. Often, your rational mind interferes with your intuitive mind.

Let’s say you find an amazing job opportunity online. It’s your dream job, the salary is amazing, and there are multiple perks. But something seems “off” or too good to be true. This is your intuition. However, your rational mind might convince you that you’re just overthinking or being paranoid. So, you go ahead and apply. However, when you get the job, you soon realize it was a scam. Your intuition was right!

Unfortunately, our intuitive thoughts are much quieter than rational ones. While your intuitive mind might respond to a situation first, it will quickly get drowned out by rational thinking. However, you can learn to strengthen your intuition, we’ll discuss this a bit further down.

The Sixth Sense

Your five senses, sight, smell, touch, taste, and hearing enable you to experience the world around you. However, these senses are limited as they only allow you to experience what is there.

Your sixth sense A.K.A, intuition, is different. Unlike your other senses, your sixth sense isn’t connected to receptors. We can’t measure it, nor do we fully understand its source. However, the sixth sense is innate in all of us.

In the past, we humans heavily relied on our sixth sense to stay alive. Our ancestors followed their primal instincts, their other senses, and cues from the environment to stay safe. But in modern life, we have completely lost touch with our sixth sense.

The Third Eye

In some spiritual practices, the third eye represents the sixth sense. This isn’t a physical eye but a chakra called Anja located at the center of your head. Chakras are wheel-like energy points found throughout your body. By unblocking this chakra, people believe you can strengthen your intuition and deepen your spiritual connection.

While there is no scientific evidence to support these theories, chakras have been present in many cultures for thousands of years. Perhaps these ancient societies knew something that we’ve currently lost touch with?

The benefits of strengthening your intuitive mind

Whether you believe in chakras and the third eye or not, your intuition is the connection to your subconscious. By tapping into this, you can unlock many powerful benefits like:

  • helping you make better decisions;
  • keeping you safe;
  • increasing your self-awareness;
  • enhancing your creativity;
  • improving your physical health;
  • and improving your mental well-being.

6 ways to strengthen your intuitive mind

Tapping into your intuitive mind is a lot simpler than it sounds. As previously mentioned, intuition is innate in all of us. You just have to learn how to feel, not merely think. Here are six useful strategies to help you strengthen your intuitive mind.

1. Meditate

Meditation gives you an opportunity to still your mind. As intuitive thoughts are quieter than the usual chatter inside your head, meditating regularly allows you to feel your intuition. Hey, why don’t you try a guided meditation session that targets your third eye chakra?

2. Listen to your body

Pay close attention to how you´re feeling, especially if you’re in the middle of making a decision. Do you feel sick, have a headache, or have a weird “gut feeling”? This could be your intuition trying to tell you something.

3. Slow down

Having a chaotic schedule, being on auto-pilot, or having zero time for yourself can all make hearing your intuitive thoughts difficult. So, take some time out once in a while. Spend more time in nature and schedule some alone time. In your daily life, avoid rushing around. The less chaos in your life, the more detectable your intuition will be.

4. Trust yourself

If you have a bad feeling or an intuitive thought, trust it. Don´t tell yourself you’re crazy or paranoid. Instead, consider this feeling and allow it to help determine your next move.

5. Write it down

This follows from the previous point. Every time you have a feeling you can’t explain, write it down. There’s usually a valid reason you feel this way. With time, you can look back at these notes and validate your intuition — look at how many occasions you were right!

6. Learn from your past self

Reflect on your past mistakes to identify if there were any cues before them. Did you ignore red flags? Or dismiss your feelings? Likewise, think back to when you felt good about something and the outcome was positive. Doing so will also validate your initiative mind.

Tap into your intuitive mind with Beginning.com

To strengthen your intuition you need a clear mind, and we have the perfect tool to help. Check out our three-dimensional soundscapes that support your physical and mental well-being. Each audio is an immersive sound journey combining authentic nature sounds, relaxing frequencies, and original music. Just plug in your headphones and listen to help you relax, destress, and make room for your intuitive thoughts. Only at Beginning.com.