Author: admin
Is College Worth It? Exploring The Pros of Higher Education and Alternative Paths
As you approach the end of your high school journey, you may be contemplating whether going to college is the best decision for your future. Higher education has long been regarded as a pathway to personal growth, career opportunities, and intellectual development. However, it’s important to note that college is not the only path to […]
7 Ways To Bond With Your Partner After Your Baby’s Birth
Life changes after having a baby — it’s inevitable. Parenting may change you as a person and affect your and your partner’s relationship. But relax! Instead of dreading change or the “end of romance”, acknowledge and prepare for this 180-degree turn. Consider sitting down and discussing the expectations both you and your partner have, and […]
Sex After Menopause?
Sex in your postmenopausal years can be a bit of a Catch-22. On the one hand, you no longer have to worry about periods or getting pregnant. You likely have more freedom, so you can fully focus on your sexual needs. On the other hand, menopause comes with many physiological changes that may affect intimacy. […]
Tips For Teens: Starting Your Period
Starting your period can feel embarrassing, overwhelming, and even confusing. All of a sudden, your body is going through many changes that are completely out of your control. You can feel awkward, uncomfortable, and extremely self-conscious. It’s normal, and we all experience similar feelings at one point or another. But, rather than feeling embarrassed about […]
The Effects Of Nature Sounds On Our Well-being
We have all heard about and even experienced for ourselves what nature can do for us. What’s better than going outside and taking in a deep breath of fresh air on a stressful day? Or going for a stroll along the beachfront, taking in the peaceful sounds of the sea crashing? The fact is, nature […]
Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]
Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]
7 Ways To Bond With Your Partner After Your Baby’s Birth
Life changes after having a baby — it’s inevitable. Parenting may change you as a person and affect your and your partner’s relationship. But relax! Instead of dreading change or the “end of romance”, acknowledge and prepare for this 180-degree turn. Consider sitting down and discussing the expectations both you and your partner have, and […]
How To Stay Close To Your Friends When You Have Kids But They Don’t
Life changes when you become a mom. You may reassure your friends that “everything will be exactly the same” between you. However, things don’t always go according to plan. Soon, you find yourself dedicating almost 100% of your time to your little one — changing nappies, waking up for midnight feedings, and physically recovering from […]
The 7 Chakras And Their Meaning For Beginners
You’ve probably heard of chakras before. Maybe you’ve heard the word in a yoga class? Or perhaps on a TV show? You might have even seen the chakra chart before. But what exactly are the 7 chakras? Well, in this article, we’ll look at the 7 chakras and their meaning, all at a beginner’s pace. […]