Author: admin


8 Top Tips To Help You Have an Orgasm During Sex

Many women and folks with a vagina struggle to reach orgasm during sexual activity with a partner. In fact, only 10% to 15% of women say they can climax easily. So, the most important thing to know is that if you struggle to orgasm, there is nothing wrong with you, and this is a problem a […]

Mental Health

Hormones: How Do They Affect a Woman’s Life?

You must have heard something about female hormones at some point in your life. If you haven’t, don’t worry! We are about to go over the key hormones in a woman’s life. It may seem like a complex topic that is difficult to grasp. And indeed, there is a lot of information and research out […]

False Labor or Actual labor? How to Spot the Difference
Giving Birth

False Labor or Actual labor? How to Spot the Difference

Hospital bag packed? Car seat installed? Crib assembled? You’ve ticked off every item on your checklist. You’re as ready as you can be, and you’ve prepared your home for your baby’s arrival. Those final days are a time of anticipation or even anxiety if you don’t know what to expect. Every twinge and every pain […]

Meditation And Fertility: The Key Role Of A Serene And Clear Mind

Meditation And Fertility: The Key Role Of A Serene And Clear Mind

Many things have been said about the power of meditation; from being the best tool for stress relief to boosting happiness and even your immune system. It can also be a great solution for moms-to-be who wish to find resilience and inner balance to cope with these exciting, yet hectic times. But, can meditation aid […]

The Best Mindful Moments For Kids And Tips For Fostering Daily Practice

The Best Mindful Moments For Kids And Tips For Fostering Daily Practice

Practicing mindfulness can be incredibly beneficial for your child’s mental health and well-being. Research shows that this simple practice can reduce stress, regulate emotions and enhance focus. All of these perks are highly beneficial in today’s busy and unpredictable world. This is why mindfulness practices are becoming integral parts of children’s routines. In this article, […]

Baby's Health

Helping Your Baby Sleep With Soothing Sounds: All You Need To Know

Does your baby wake up several times at night crying? Do they toss and turn with their eyes wide open? Know that you aren’t alone. Navigating a baby’s sleeping patterns is a challenge most parents face. Conventional wisdom suggests establishing sleeping routines, singing lullabies, and rocking your baby to sleep. Yet, specially designed sound programs […]

Wisdom of Healing

Chronic Pain and Menopause: What’s The Connection?

Girls, women, and people with wombs are no strangers to pain. Pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), childbirth, and menopause come with many painful symptoms. Yet, once you begin transitioning to menopause, your relationship with pain changes. Pain is more recurrent and intense. You may also develop conditions such as fibromyalgia, bruising, and headaches. Is there a link […]

World Travel

Having Sex For The First Time: Everything You Need To Know

Being a teenager is a confusing time, especially when it comes to sex! Sex seems to be everywhere. Some are sexually active, while others aren’t. There’s for sure plenty of lies and rumors flying around. Plus, you watch as your male classmates are praised for having sex while the girls they have sex with are […]

Home Designing

Home Office Decor Ideas: How To Keep Work And Home Separate

Due to COVID, many of us work from home, and many wish to continue doing so. With this, comes countless perks but also a few downfalls. For example, how can you truly separate work and home when you’re working from your home? Well, we have the answer for you, it’s all in the decor! Keep […]

A Guide to LGBTQ+ Terminology
LGBTQ+ Community

A Guide to LGBTQ+ Terminology

LGBTQ+ is an acronym for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (or questioning), and other sexual and gender identities. The term LGBT was coined in the late 1980s but has since evolved to become more inclusive. Since then, the way we view gender and identity has changed a lot. However, many people still feel uncomfortable discussing such […]