Category: Love & Romance
7 Ways To Bond With Your Partner After Your Baby’s Birth
Life changes after having a baby — it’s inevitable. Parenting may change you as a person and affect your and your partner’s relationship. But relax! Instead of dreading change or the “end of romance”, acknowledge and prepare for this 180-degree turn. Consider sitting down and discussing the expectations both you and your partner have, and […]
How to Heal After A Toxic Relationship And Learn To Love Yourself Again
One in three women will be in an abusive relationship at some point in their life. If you’ve ever been in a toxic relationship, you’ll know they can shake you down to the core. You come out feeling worn-down, broken, and full of self-doubt. Going through a breakup will always be difficult. But going through […]
The Red Flags You Shouldn’t Ignore In A New Relationship
Ah, red flags. We’re warned about them, joke about them, and often overlook them. But learning to read red flags and act upon them, can save you a lot of time and pain. In this article, we’re going to break down some of the red flags that can present in budding romantic relationships. So, keep reading to […]
Is Jealousy Bad In a Relationship?
The green-eyed monster. Envy. Whatever you call it, jealousy is an emotion we all experience from time to time. While some are more jealous than others, jealousy will almost always crop up in a romantic relationship at some point. We often consider signs of jealousy a big red flag. But is a jealous partner always […]
How To Get Through A Breakup On A Budget?
We’ve all heard the expression ‘money doesn’t buy happiness… but I’d rather cry in a Ferrari’. And this couldn’t be truer when it comes to a breakup. A lot of the advice given to get through a breakup involves having money to spare. Starting a new hobby can cost hundreds of dollars. The same goes […]
Fertility Sex: How To Spice Up the Bedroom While Trying To Conceive
You and your partner have made the important decision of having a baby. Naturally, making a baby entails sex. During this particular period in your life, sex may change. After all, you are getting under the sheets for a specific purpose — conceiving. While trying to conceive, “TTC”, many of us get stressed and anxious. […]
Having Sex For The First Time: Everything You Need To Know
Being a teenager is a confusing time, especially when it comes to sex! Sex seems to be everywhere. Some are sexually active, while others aren’t. There’s for sure plenty of lies and rumors flying around. Plus, you watch as your male classmates are praised for having sex while the girls they have sex with are […]
Sex After Menopause?
Sex in your postmenopausal years can be a bit of a Catch-22. On the one hand, you no longer have to worry about periods or getting pregnant. You likely have more freedom, so you can fully focus on your sexual needs. On the other hand, menopause comes with many physiological changes that may affect intimacy. […]
Why Women Experience Low Libido and How to Reignite Desire
During your life, your sexual desire will fluctuate. Age, hormones, and stress can all affect how little or much you crave sex. While some naturally have a low libido, a lack of desire can be caused by a range of factors, especially if it’s a sudden occurrence. Finding the cause of your low libido is […]