Category: Pregnancy
Why You Should Make The Most Out Of’s FREE Trial is an award-winning mobile tool supporting girls and women around the world. Created by women for women, mixes the power of science, data, and mind-body techniques to empower you at every stage of your life journey. Our team aims to make our ambitious app accessible to everyone who can benefit from it. In addition to […]
Relaxation Techniques To Cope With Pain In Labor And Birth
So, you are pregnant and can’t wait to finally welcome that precious little being into your family. Congratulations! If you are a first-time mother or parent, you may have lots of questions regarding labor and birth. What does it feel like? Will it hurt? Are there any natural ways to minimize pain? All of these are well-justified […]
15 Essential Things You Should Do Before Your Baby’s Arrival
You are having a baby, congrats! Right now, you probably have plenty of things on your mind. As the due date approaches, your stress and anxiety levels spiral. You wonder if you have done everything you are supposed to do to welcome your little one. Avoid a future headache and stay calm by preparing everything […]
Why You Should Meditate During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is a life-changing experience. It is also a time of intense preparation and rapid change. As much as you would like to spend the next 40 weeks showing off your “pregnancy” glow and getting to know your little one, not everything is so fabulous. Hormonal changes can lead to emotional rollercoasters, strange cravings, nausea, […]
Exercise During Pregnancy: All The Do’s And Don’ts
Do you love to exercise? Or do you avoid it like the plague? Well, we have news for you! Exercising during pregnancy does wonders for you and your little one. It minimizes the common symptoms of pregnancy and gives you extra strength to adapt to your weight gain and changing shape. Discover the best exercises […]
How To Organize Your Virtual Baby Shower
COVID-19 has really changed a lot, hasn’t it? Who would have thought that we wouldn’t be meeting up in person for celebrations like baby showers or weddings? Well, remote meet-ups have become the new norm, and millions of people are still doing it. Even though many restrictions are being lifted globally, virtual baby showers are […]
Baby Names: The Latest Trends to Keep an Eye On
Choosing the perfect name for your baby is a dilemma all parents face. Do you want something long and lyrical? Do you prefer a name that is short and sweet? Or, perhaps you want something 100% unique and intriguing. Naming your baby is not simple — lots of thought and dedication goes into this process. […]
Healthy Eating While Pregnant: What To Eat And What To Avoid
A balanced and nutritious diet does wonders for our health. During pregnancy, being mindful of what you eat is crucial to support your and your baby’s development. Eating a healthy diet is associated with healthy birth weight, good brain development, and a lesser risk of anemia among others. We’ve compiled the best foods to give […]
A Friendly Guide To Coping With Hormonal Changes While Pregnant
Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of hormones that cause unique physiological changes. Hormones like estrogen and progesterone prepare your body for welcoming your little one. They also tend to cause not-so-welcome side effects such as morning sickness, dizziness, and constipation, among others. Learn about the key pregnancy hormones, their roles, and how meditation can help you […]
This Is How Stress Influences Your Baby During Pregnancy
It seems that, once you announce your pregnancy to the world, everyone has a piece of advice for you. Eat this, don’t drink that, get plenty of sleep, and don’t stress yourself out. You’ve probably heard this one quite a few times. Even your pediatrician may suggest to “take it easy” and not let stress get in the […]